Height Ryzer users have reported

We surveyed Height Ryzer users to find out what results they were getting. Here are the average results they reported. These results are not typical. Individual results may vary.

I have tried other Height Supplements and never had any results, not only did this product work it worked fast !!! I gained 2 inches in 2 months. I am now 5'10".

Brunilda J. USA

I wanted to become taller and tried a bunch of stuff. None of them worked until I found this product and it was amazing. I grew 5 inches in 8 months and now my friends are all asking me how they can get their hands on it.

 Alceo M. Italia

I took this supplement as suggested and it worked as advertised. I went from being short to reaching my goal of 5.8 ft

Joseph T. USA

I was 5’6" when I started to take this. I noticed an inch or so of growth within the first few weeks. Now I am 5’9" I can hardly believe what has happened to me! This is incredible.

Ajay K. India

They say that the best things in life are free, but if you ask us, we’ll tell you that nothing beats a good supplement. This height supplement has changed our lives.

Kim L. USA

I have always been a bit of a late bloomer. I was the shortest kid in my class until I reached freshman year. At that point with Height Ryzer, I started growing really quickly and within a few months I had gone from 5’0 to 5’3.

Johan S. Denmark

I was skeptical at first like anyone else. But I must say this product is the real deal. I have used it for over a year and have gained 2 inches. This is a must buy if you are serious about growing taller.

Isabelle B. Australia

Amazing product,I was skeptical at first but after research I purchased and gave it a shot. I have been on it for a month now and I have gained 1 inch in height so far. I am very happy with this product and would recommend to anyone.

Morgan N. UK

This product is very good so far. I have been taking it for a month now and it seems to be working well. I am 30 years old and 5'4". My goal is to reach 5'5". It seems that I am already seeing results. I'm not sure if this is because of this product or just my imagination but I will continue using it and update my review as I go along.

Florian F. Germany

This is legit. Saw results in the after 2 months and my growth is still continuing. I started this journey at 5'2, now I'm 5'3 and a half. I'm so excited to see how much taller I will grow!

Joshua L. USA

i started taking height ryzer and i have grown half inch in a month. I feel better in general too. Strongly recommend.

Avelaine D. France

Awesome! I've been taking it for a little over a month now and I'm 5'4, and I just measured myself and I grew half an inch. Thanks!

Ellen K. Philippines

The science behind this product is a must for the potential height increase. It works my friends, trust me! I was skeptical, but I tried it and after 4 months of using “Height Ryzer”, I’ve grown from 5 feet to 5 feet, 3 inches. You'll never regret buying this product (and neither will your parents).

Raj K. India

I was about 5’7 in my early 20s but I started to notice that I was getting shorter. My friends were all around my height or taller, and I felt like a midget. I desperately wanted to become taller so the idea of “Height Ryzer” seemed promising. After researching, I found out that people had been using it for years with great results.

Reva T. India

I am a huge fan of Height Ryzer. I've been using it for about 2 months now and I have seen growth already. This product is a great tool to accelerate your height increase naturally.

Gilbert L. USA

I was pretty skeptical about Height Ryzer at first, but I gave it a shot. Had to admit, I can feel the effect of getting taller. It's not a fast process, but it does work if you're willing to stick with it. Wish me luck!

Kauan A. Brazil

Height Ryzer is a well made product. I noticed results after 3 months. I'm 5'6 and now I'm 5'9. That's 3 inches taller then what I started at. Highly recommend for people looking to gain 3-4 inches

Jason M. Canada

The Height Ryzer supplement is amazing. I have gained 4 inches in just 5 months. I highly recommend it if you want to become taller, and if you want to increase your height. This is worth every penny!

Sajid Y. UAE

When I first started taking HeightRyzer, I noticed that my energy level increased. My appetite was suppressed and my sleep improved. After a few weeks my body became leaner and firmer. My muscle tone increased as well as my strength and stamina. I now have much more endurance to complete my workouts. I have grown 2 inches in the last 5 months and have gained 10 lbs of muscle mass. My body fat has dropped from 18% to 11%. It is clear that HeightRyzer is Works

Đinh T. Vietnam

I've been trying to grow taller, but I didn't quite know what I was doing. I finally got "height ryzer" and it keeps me motivated. It's actually pretty fun to use and I've seen a few inches on my body. Even my parents are using it now!

Karin B. Germany

The product is legitimate. If you want to grow taller and you're willing to work hard and be patient, then this is for you. I'm not sure about the other reviews but this definitely works if your willing to stick with it.

Eddie G. USA

I'm using Height Ryzer it doesn't taste like anything and it's easy to swallow and I grew an inch and a half in 3 months and I'm 40 this is amazing.

Jonas F. Denmark

I was skeptical at first, but I decided to try Height Ryzer since it was cheaper than most other height increasing products. I took the daily dosage and in only 2 months I grew an inch and a half. This product works!

Aaron M. Canada

I have been using Height Ryzer for 2 months. I went from 5' 6" to 5'7.5" inches taller, I have gained an inch and a half in height in 2 months only. If you are looking to gain height without surgery, this is it!

Nikhil B. India

I am 18 years old guy and i tried alot of grow taller supplement but i didn’t increase my height, finally a friend of mine told me about "Height Ryzer" Supplement and it made an difference on my height, i am in 5 th month and i am 3 inches taller now. Guys don’t waste your Money with other products like me.

Józsa D. Hungary

I had used many height increasing products but nothing worked for me. I was very disappointed and decided to give up on my dream of growing taller until I saw a video about Height Ryzer. I read the reviews and decided to buy it. I started using it 3 months ago and have grown 3 inches so far. Thank you so much for making such an amazing product that works!

Marco U. Finland

I was skeptical at first because I never believe in these products, but I decided to give it a try. I've been using Height Ryzer for almost a year now, and I've noticed so much improvement. My height has increased from 5'8" to 5'11", which is amazing!

Frank V. USA

Heightryzer is an amazing product. I am already 1 inches taller than before. My life has changed so much and I don't need to wear high heels anymore!

George J. South Africa

I can't believe all of the positive effects I've seen, including increased energy and better muscle tone. So thank you so much for making this product--I feel like a new man!

Farraj T. Saudi Arabia

I was literally a bit shy when I was younger. And my height was the main reason behind it. Not that I'm a giant or anything but I'm just not as tall as my friends were. My family and friends were always pushing me to try some methods to increase my height but I never really did it because I thought it will never work. But when I saw a couple of reviews about Height Ryzer, I decided to give it a shot. I grew 1.5 inches in 3 months.

Uberto L. Italy

The Growth Formula is quite pricey, but if you are looking for a legit product that actually works, it's worth it.

Jens R. New Zealand

I've been using Height Ryzer for 12 months and it works. I am 5"6' tall now. Before taking Height Ryzer, I was only 5"3' tall

Graig R. Canada

I was pretty skeptical of Height Ryzer at first, I mean it seemed too good to be true, but after a year of using the product, I'm pleased to say that it's legit! The product does actually work, and if you stick with the program for 12 months like the directions say, you'll definitely see an improvement in your height. Plus their customer service is really helpful, if you ever have any questions or concerns.

Amy C. USA